The Arena awaits...
The Arena awaits the souls of those destined for combat. The Master of Conflict forged a realm from the primordial essence of the Astral Plane, and created a demiplane known to adventurers and luminaries from around the multiverse as The Arena. Herein, those selected participate in deadly combat. Winners gain fame and fortune, while the fallen are forgotten. Learn more about gameplay in the Arena.
Combatants are selected from around the multiverse. Generally, they represent captured adventurers who are taken to The Arena to entertain the Master of Conflict and the thousands of spectators who travel from the far reaches of the planes to watch. New players are encouraged to look at the Simple And Effective Character Builds section.
Astral Tokens
Every combatant who survives a match in The Arena is awarded an astral token. These can be used in the demiplane of The Arena to improve offerings in shops, temples, and other services available to combatants in their downtime between bouts.
Those who survive matches in The Arena gain prestige. The more prestige one gains, the more he or she can expect in the way of patronage from spectators who wish to see them win. This can manifest in the form of gifts, magical services, quests, or other perks.
The Demiplane of Conflict
The Arena sits within a pocket dimension. While the dimension itself is sometimes referred to as The Arena, this name can also refer to the coliseum at the plane's heart, with it and the shadowy alleyways that snake through the warrens and compounds nearby collectively known as the Demiplane of Conflict.
The real treasure is survival.
- Cornwallis
How to join the Mayhem
The Arena is a game for two to nine players and one Arena Master. The Arena is played using the rules for Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition (D&D). Each player and the Arena Master will need a copy of the Players Handbook. In addition, the Arena Master should have a copy of the Dungeon Master's Guide and the Monster Manual. Other supplements may be used, but are not strictly necessary.
Dungeons & Dragons, Wizards of the Coast, Player's Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Master's Guide, all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries. The Arena is a game setting designed to be played using these products.
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